Welcome Neighbor to the North,
Life with a b-king is something like this...
1. you'll be broke cuz you can't resist doing stuff to it.
2. you won't have any free weekends because you're going broke doing stuff to it, and when the money runs out, you buy some gas on credit and spend your newfound free time riding it
3. every time you ride it you fall in love with it again
4. every time you fall in love with it again you wanna do more stuff to it
5. see item #1
6. dating will be difficult because, let's face it, the "pillion seat" isn't much beyond it's name
7. you'll be up late at night perusing this forum for the absurd amounts of info compiled here
8. you'll keep a picture of her on your desk at work so that when you want to quit your job, you have a reminder of what you love most in life and that you need a job in order to avoid item #1.
9. you'll learn exchange rates pretty quickly if you don't already know them because parts come from all over the place.
10. You'll need to strengthen your grip because if you don't, your stupid fast king will leave you a ghost rider and you'll be waving as it rides away without you.
11. people will love it or hate it... if they love it, say thank you. if they hate it, well, they're obviously on drugs and I hate them
12. your significant other will perpetually be perturbed with you for item #1
13. you'll be happy as a pig in $#!+
good luck in your search and love her (it doesn't have to be tenderly) when you find her.
oh and 14. you'll constantly be in awe of the incredible ingenuity of many of the members on this site and the innovations/ personal touches they've brought to their kings and ours.