Love the bike.. it's what I was looking for; upright riding position, unique looks, crazy power. I've always loved being on 2 wheels. I've been riding bikes since 1981, on the street since 1985(age 14). Used to take my dad's GL1200 Goldwing out after I got off the schoolbus, before my parents got home.
My other current bike is an 05 Victory 8ball custom. Swapped the front end for an inverted fork version, using a wider 18" wheel vs the 21x3 that was stock. Installed a bigbore kit, cams, intake, exhaust. Followed by nitrous so it currently makes 153hp/161tq at the wheel.
My other current bike is an 05 Victory 8ball custom. Swapped the front end for an inverted fork version, using a wider 18" wheel vs the 21x3 that was stock. Installed a bigbore kit, cams, intake, exhaust. Followed by nitrous so it currently makes 153hp/161tq at the wheel.